Friday, January 21, 2011

History of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

... Genius Mozart unfortunate
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 at Boise City Consulting's Mark. Austria He is the son of Leopold & Anna-Marie has siblings all seven people, but remaining survivors until now grow only 2 people are the Mozart and Nancy Origin's million (Nannerl) Sister Leo Expo-mail, is a teacher of music and musicians in the Government. Office of the Patriarch of Consulting Co., Boise, Mark. (The time of Mozart. Boise City Consulting's Mark is a Patriarch or Archbishop body chief Governance both Church and The Integrated Church), two brothers demonstrate their ability to manifest in music since he was small.

Mozart is a musical genius really. At the age of only 5 years old, he plays Xavier Clarke (Clavier) is astonishingly And began composing symphonies at the age of 6 years old by his father as a man enough to save the notes they were 12 years old author first operatic success. When Leo Expo, express mail children craft drill, both good and intelligent He took Mozart and his sister Patrol concert in Europe to appreciate the music of their craft.

Since only 6 years old Mozart fragments grow until he is 16 years old is obsolete Patrol music back to regular court musicians. The song is a lot of Mozart. But he began to weary of life because it routinely comes in a small rural. Previously, he was to see the world already. Mozart as a composer with top talent and growing share content Opera Symphony and many other types of music, and Mozart is also a fine organ and piano of Europe.

Mozart as a child, when only 4 years old when his father teaching Xavier Clarke to sister 5 years older than Mozart to be standing quietly next to his sister, Maria, and when play ends. Mozart to jump on a horse instead of sitting Xavier Clarke. He can play properly. As his father watched with awe. Soon he was teaching music to Mozart seriously. Mozart's father that his son is a true talent. And virtually stopped composing to turn their attention to music lessons to children fully

Mozart was born in the first year of the "seven years of war" when the war calmed down. Leo Post, express mail with two children started to get to City of Vienna, Austria for the first time. Vienna Mozart received with satisfaction. Amazing musical skills and a love reaction was hit hard rumors around the event anyone wants to have his performance. Mozart soon became a regular guest of such high-class mansion.

During the 10 years late in his life three years between 1780-1791, which Mozart left home to live in the capital city is Vienna for a better chance. Mozart started to do everything in life, fast daemonic Just as quick to leave this world soon no longer the age of 35 years.

Mozart heaven like angels fall down just for a moment Properties Plc and bring a gift from heaven to the human world number one. Chapter 650 is a song about heaven, and then departed in a hurry as the world's musical genius took back to heaven.

Mozart died on 5 December AD 1791 in Vienna. It is said that the funeral done hastily. Because of bad weather, snow over his wife and friends. Mozart used his body buried at St. Mark Cemetery.

Till now no one is aware that Mozart's body buried where Because I do not have the signs. Later a monument is officially up at one point in the cemetery. To commemorate the great artist he is.

Baby Mozart is now popular and highly praised as a song composer Ake continued to be published around the world performing and recording platter.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March 1685 – 28 July 1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Although he did not introduce new forms, he enriched the prevailing German style with a robust contrapuntal technique, an unrivalled control of harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France.
Revered for their intellectual depth, technical command and artistic beauty, Bach's works include the Brandenburg concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Partitas, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B minor, the St Matthew Passion, the St John Passion, the Magnificat, The Musical Offering, The Art of Fugue, the English and French Suites, the Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, the Cello Suites, more than 200 surviving cantatas, and a similar number of organ works, including the celebrated Toccata and Fugue in D minor and Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor.
Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded one of the main composers of the Baroque style, and as one of the greatest composers of all time

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Classical music history and background.

Arts, music has evolved along with humans a long time as well as architecture. The music is very prosperous and degraded to different periods from prehistory In Greek and Roman Music intervention in the various celebrations and religious affairs. The letters started to be used instead of musical notation in the 5th century when the empire Empire collapsed. Is a time to dark age Various fields, including art, music is declining. Until the Middle Ages. Which ranges between dark age and era Renee's Renaissance. The music has started to recover again.

In the 6th century, people got tired of selling music is redundant. Lack of harmony. Moreover, no clear melody. Cause movement in the music industry. Start singing the same note. Which later developed a singing chorus.

Western classical music is divided into periods according to Oil and style of music, philosophy, thinking clearly different. This is divided into periods are the following: Middle Age AD AD 500-1400 Renaissance 1400-1600 Baroque 1600-1750 Romantic AD 1910 AD 1825-1910 Twentieth Century. - present

To resurrect the musical arts. Began seriously in this medieval custom. Various instruments, but still not developed to the stage as music Organizer Case Extra. Since that time the instrument is fashioned much like the Trumpet no tongue Dryer still not fully sound. Color V-O also has weaknesses in tone, etc., which can take time to develop until the 17th century musical instrument in that era, including Blue Top Lute, Harp, Pipe, Oboe, which we will see that as an instrument of their Minstrel and Trobadour used as the singing. Travel to the castle and various musical evolution of their state rock Min million to develop until the end of the Middle Ages. Some songs also have Oprah on k until today.

15th century music began to blossom with the hard work of the musicians are 3 Giovanni Palestrina 1525-1594, who had been hailed as. Orland Lassu father of modern music, William Byrd and the third is you who opened the door of musical arts from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance era Renee's. The Age of the Renaissance, which every branch In this era of music began with the rules in writing more songs, including songs sung in churches and hundreds of other Mo Tong Tong Limited of 600 songs which he was dubbed. The father of modern music.

Opera was founded in the late 16th century Florence, Italy, at the city and has evolved continuously to a peak at Vienna. The Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus MoZart Gluck and in the late 18th and late 19th century, opera has been developed to a prosperous again by the famous composer, including Belini, Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi, Puccini etc.

Classical music began in the 17th century and continued until the early 18th century by the Italians as a lead artist. You are the promotion and support of music into the very heart and soul of European industry. Which city is the cradle of this musical, including Rome, Naples, Florence influence of Italian art and music has spread widely into Western Europe. The east part is in Vienna as a center of important music. The musicians, people Italians are important Decima Rosa City Pest Shield Carlo Miguel loop-year journey into work the City of Vienna. Vienna is the hub of classical music and prosperous with each other to 200 years in classical music arranged as art music of the era in which music has been developed to the highest literary and musical instruments such as organ piano. Snow and instruments of the violin family, etc. as a result of the revival of musical arts from the Renaissance era Renee's.
   Modern classical musician and composer of great and famous many of you have the visitors settle in Vienna, such as Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Struass, Bruckner, Wolf, Mahler, Shoenberg,. Webern, etc. These are artists who are important to the history of musical style is very classic. In addition, Vienna is also the center of the other artists. Many almost unbelievable that a city anywhere in the world filled with intelligent music like this city anymore. In this era of music has become the heart and soul of the European Musician and composer has been the support and patronize the court. The art of music is thriving loftily And the legacy that has been passed on from generation Symphony Symphony is a music composer composers come up with rules and patterns as well as music, opera Opera and Sonata. AZ eyes and Symphony of the classical era.

AZ eyes in this world has been adapted to mean different from the last century. By means of soloist with the instrument and only one or two pieces like Sonata for Violin means soloist Violin Piano Sonata means playing solo piano or a Sonata for String Quartet means playing with players four pieces, etc., but the structure of AZ eyes or music. Music is the same model as the Symphony. Symphony music consists of four pieces, or Movement, but sometimes there may be any longer than 4 pieces.

In general, First Movement is the introduction of the song are often the most extensive. Style may be slow or fast depending on the author Second Movement tunes are generally slow to develop the Theme. Or theme of the song from the first piece, safe and Third Movement is a beautiful relaxed style to the fun songs called Minuet. Fourth Movement tend to have a fast cadence and content of the music than other pieces. Sometimes it is the style variations from the main melody or theme of the song etc. Symphony is a musical compositions are beautiful and great. Can be used to test the ability and initiative of each composer as well. Classical music era of prosperity is high. We will notice the band's music on the Ultra case is huge. Contains over 100 pieces and musical conductor (1 person held to remember the location of the various instruments and musicians, depending on each conductor. Symphony Orchestra was established in the first generation of this classic itself. And has been developed until now.

With the prosperity of this era in music. It should be not doubt that. Why classical music is still popular in until today. And is known as the music lasts forever. Had the art of music, but evolution does not stop with this. Artists seek new ways of art, music all the time, too, from the classical era to the Romantic period through which the music is not much different approach. Musician in the romantic era of the famous four of which Felix Mendelsohn, Federic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt.

Romantic era began when music started abandoning conventional approach of classical Since the great compositions such as "Spring Sonata" Mozart's music of the Romantic era of music comes along to divert the path of Nationalism by a native music. In addition, political pressures have contributed to the music, turn away. Since the revolution in France. Revolution in America. War, Napoleon, etc. song "The Polonaise" of Cho Pang is an approximate one in the example of the genre Nationalism In addition, during the romantic, it is also time generating composer and musicians, many persons such as Nicolo Paganini, Richard Wagner, Giusseppe Verdi In addition, Russia still has several doctoral composer like Tchaikovsky, which he has been hailed as king of ballet. Including works of other well-known, including the opera 10 on Symphony 6 Chapter Ballet 3 on the well-known, including Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and the songs are very famous other chapters is 1812 Overture later in the late century. 19 is a musical genius are 3 more Brother Mahmoud trailer for The Sims and Brooke Partners. Which are within the guidelines of Nationalism total

Monday, January 10, 2011

The music as a good

Music is one art form. The same is true of art and other fields. That is to prepare and practice. Part of preparation is to learn to listen to what And what to expect from their music. In this case, what do we know how it serves the music, melody (Melody) any favor. Tune in each procedure (Movement) relative to what the next procedure. And what the author signals the audience that music near the end then.
Learn how to make music, how it functions will help to develop skills of as a good listener at the same time, we should say that no piece of musical instrument is being played. To distinguish melody (Melody) from the chorus (Harmony) has identified that a few tunes along in music that music. Feel the rhythm and style of music. And realize that we are in the scheme during any of those songs. All of this requires listening carefully to study not listening to and passing on skills and listening skills. Able to apply this skill and with both classical music and music on trends such as listening to the melody based pop band REM leading is no different from listening to Beethoven's symphonies too much.

Focus attention on the music.
The first step in the development of listening skills is to focus attention on the poorest music alone. May create a habit of listening to the radio or CD, Mp3, while working with. Some of the music. Particular type of music 'East listening music' is normally a radio station. These songs are not tune to listen. Or at least listen to without thinking of Neu. But for serious music than that. Need to listen to background music. Pop music, but most similar to each other just want to respond emotionally only Sometimes, the response of the body such as football, dance moves to move the legs. But classical music and jazz, most require open mind and an open mind to music. We must recognize the different periods of music and recorded in our memories. And links to other generation. Ongoing development and long We need to think about what the focus is to listen. Having to devote all attention to the music.
The development of memory.
"Memory" is important for music. Different from the visual arts (Visual arts), music will go clockwise rotation indefinitely. But when we see some paintings, picture That image is still in front of us to see both images at once. The challenge to the abuse of art is its knowledge. Technical drawing Content of the image. And symbols. The existing use. To create a mood of aesthetic image on the meaning of the images and the techniques used. But how to access musical compositions to vary. We do not recognize all the music together in one place, but will gradually appear at a hearing to the other. From seconds to minutes.
Create the mood with music. We have to remember what came before. Try to remember and that seem to link the sound moves pretty fast. This may be the greatest challenge of Neu music novice. We will deal with the music that moves pretty fast how simple answer is that Neu music must learn to illuminate the musical content, some important points. And kept it in consciousness. Practice in listening, often To improve the ability to recognize voices better.

Sound important.
Our brain can not remember the sound that gets heard. Unless we have a Mozart musical talent will go quickly. Not important that we remember how well. Or we will concentrate on how to listen. Or are prepared to listen to music courtroom. But the author is the main idea (Theme) to express. And a range of preparatory Range is connected through And a simple melody. Some of the songs from the composer of these pinned back in our consciousness. But I listen to some of the past. To identify distinguishing between critical and music that And are a good listener is important. To read or study the history of music will help us to listen to music properly. Access to the composer's ideas and key points that we should listen. As a starting point of music and self-development.
Listen to music on a regular basis.
When the study of various music Pra watts. Very good. However, our listening skills will not develop if you do not know music regularly. We have learned by hearing music through our ears. Do not use eye through the eye nerve. And for some reason can not be explained. Noise ratio in the perception of people is different from the perception information through vision, such as numbers and symbols on the abstract. Students learn that music can not get a lot of information in learning a few times. Different from the exam in history. Learning music is quite similar to learning a foreign language must sound gradually learned every little bit each day and require frequent repetitive learning.
Classical music - pop music
Song in the world is diverse and surprising. All types of music and good music and bad music, mixed together, but "classic" is often referred to as the "art" or music "seriously" over whether to name but whatever. This type of music is the music that we hear from the concert Hall. Only some of the radio waves. Sometimes heard from the television. Or soundtrack music, cartoons and advertising. Music mostly composed by authors who live in Europe. Or written by an American composer of the authors as a novelist European The new trend is often the old songs. One could say that classical music that we hear most. The compositions of Bach, handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms and Tchaikovsky songs are written in the years between 1700 - 1900, each song being not less than one century, then what really makes the production of culture. This is a "Classic" is that it includes the quality of expression. Share music. Balanced and valuable, even a long time will pass regardless. Classical music to enjoy all the music lovers for generations version of story.
Pop music can be both "art" or a serious music with a classical music. Often, the pop musician is a musician with talent and skills as musicians, classical guitarist Chuck Berry Top Rock 'n Roll. From the album "In your face" challenging classical music in the popular music of his "Roll over Beethoven" musicians, some as both a pop music and musicians, classical, such as Wynton Marsalis Neu blowing trumpet famous.
Pop music can be useful in developing listening skills. When you try to listen to the chord changes, how and when. This helps to listen to rock and roll records that are not sophisticated. Chord changes in a consistent rhythm. And walk the bass chord To play with a loud voice. Which are easy to listen to.
Unlike pop music, but classical music is. The music is not very complicated. For this reason, and therefore does not require thinking and concentrate on listening to too much. Listening in the first round. What can be more or less. Perhaps that does not require much skill to listen to this often repeated. Or may have different interpretations in every hearing. When the song is opened frequently. Until the audience got tired of it will change to find new music. When the music is pop music can be happy with the audience from one generation to the next generation more than 20 or 30 years we will have some say that the song became the song "classic" already.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Listening to music

Listening to music.
Why should we listen to music? The answer is music to their mental health. Why music and happiness in your heart? That is what we do not know. Although psychologists to find the answers for a long time ago even. Some theories say. Music has the power to stimulate emotional feelings. Or the distraction of the human mind to calm down. Cause feelings of regret, or joy. Would like to invite to dance. Or even make sense in times of war.
Ancient Greeks learned the power of music as well Plas growth (Plato) are trying to study the use of appropriate music to encourage young people learn more intended Athens. In the desire to avoid the taste of wine, women and song sexy Human limitations, composer as part of religious and social activities through art, music to integrate into a vital part in the ritual celebration of art and entertainment of men and 'change' or the lifting of spirit who visits. or visit the relevant section. If you try to watch different films. By turning off the music business. Imagine walking or in a funeral procession without musical fanfare. Imagine that these ceremonies will be lonely how .
When we listen to music. One could say that we are making interactions with the environment around them. Voice or the sound of the instrument to release the energy that moves the sound in the air. Sound waves cause the lead to our ears. Inner ear of the people. Vibration Switch is activated by electrical interactions. Pass to the human brain. But what happens then no one can know. But it seems to stimulate a series Recognized a clear pattern and shape. Perhaps that is different from the pattern seen or geometry. But the conclusion is. How human perception musical compositions may be no different from the perception of impressive architecture. Shape the assimilation of a beautiful painting. Or supporter of the continuing views. People will have emotional responses or changing the mood music to the satisfaction or even a novelty song that mental disturbance. Response patterns with a variety of music such as rock or tap your feet by the humming melody. Is that all men expressed similar .
Listening for the development of music and are happy that Many people might say that we listen to music all day already. Why learn to listen to the other reason is that listening to music, the way most people listen. To listen seriously and purposefully. How to get to know the second is a different thing entirely. If a sarcastic to say it is. Say how much more around us, surrounded by music, no matter how much be an ipod car radio, MTV, we even fewer listen only Technologies that make the music come close to making us better human being as a bad listener. We become accustomed to the music filling the ears every day. We listen to it very little. Today was a great opportunity for people to access the music even more. To find a new world of sound. Because music is ubiquitous. Learning music is especially useful for students, or students in schools or universities. No need to look far to bring that knowledge has to do. But the music itself will find us. The music is commercial. Music, movies, music rock, jazz, blues or even classical music.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Classical music

Classical music, like other forms of classical art, has not as many takers as those of light music. Nonetheless, classical music has its fans too and lots more are falling to its charms. Yet, those who turn to it often find it rather beyond their understanding and real appreciation. They are charmed by it, but they cannot critically explain why it appeals them. You cannot rationalize its appeal or beauty.
Another reason why a large majority of people are not very comfortable with classical music is its complexity and a sense of distance from the artist. Light music can be easily sung by ordinary artists with whom ordinary listeners can identify easily. It expresses the feelings of ordinary persons in their own language. Classical music, on the other hand, is rather mysterious and is rendered in diverse styles and it takes years, sometimes a life long time to understand .But its study has its rewards too. The more you study it, the more you enjoy it and the more you find it wonderful and worth the effort and hard work to study it.
The study or appreciation of classical music depends upon your individual taste. A form of music that appeals to you may not appeal to another person. You may come across experts who may try to influence you by their judgments about the quality of music. You may listen to them, but you should not compel yourself to like the music that they like. Or if you come across a much-acclaimed piece of music that you cannot really appreciate, you do not have to blame yourself for not liking it. You may of course try to find out why the particular expert likes a given piece of music. May be, you find some point to learn.
The most important thing about classical music is to listen to it as much as you can. Classical music CDs are available from many sources. If you are a student, your college library may have an abundant stock of classical music CDs. You can listen to radio, watch TV, and go to concerts and recitals. You can also get free downloads from the Internet, if you do not want to spend money.
Classical Music provides detailed information on Classical Music, Classical Music CD, Classical Music Downloads, Free Classical Music and more. Classical Music is affiliated with Country Music CDs.

Written by Eddie Tobey
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